Shiny in Production 2023: Workshops

Shiny in Production is returning to the Catalyst this October! Our workshop lineup has now been finalised, and our first two speakers are confirmed. If you want to read more about the speakers, or register for the conference, head over to the website. Early bird tickets are now on sale!
For the workshops this year, we see the return of the extremely popular Introduction to Posit (formerly RStudio) Connect, as well as a two new shiny-centered topics.
Shiny and Python
Gone are the days when Shiny was only for R programmers! In the last year, Posit have released Shiny for Python. Further information on the workshop to follow!
Building Responsive Shiny Apps
The diverse range of devices used for modern web browsing presents challenges when designing an application that works well for all users. Enter responsive design: the practice of building fluid web pages that “work” on huge 4k and 5k monitors, tiny smartphones and all things in between. This course will look at responsive design principles and best practices for Shiny developers, covering page layout, easy-to-add widgets and some simple CSS tricks for when built-in solutions don’t quite cut it.
Shiny Testing
This is the newest of our workshops that we’re planning for the conference, so we’ll have more information on what to expect very soon. If you’re interested in the topic in the meantime, take a look at our recent blog series on end-to-end testing with {shinytest2}.