Reporting with Quarto

Reporting with Quarto

Course Level: Intermediate (6 hours)

Do you create interactive documents that always need to be updated when the data changes? Then this course is for you. In this course you will learn how to use Quarto to create high quality, dynamic, fully reproducible documents. Quarto is a multi-language open source publishing tool that allows for the creation of dynamic content with Python, R, Julia and Observable.

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Book: Reporting with Quarto

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Course Details


  • Introduction to Automated reporting
  • What is Quarto?
    • Why Quarto over R Markdown
    • Quarto R package
  • Quarto outputs
    • HTML
    • PDF
    • Word/Powerpoint
    • Publishing with Quarto pub
  • Markdown formatting
    • YAML
    • Title and author
    • Format specific options
    • Using the visual editor
    • Images and text formatting
    • Block Quotes
  • Code chunks
    • Settings options
    • Positioning output
    • In-line code
  • Styling of formats
    • Templates (journal templates)
    • Bibliography and referencing
    • Cross-format styling

Learning outcomes

Session 1:

  • Be familiar with the structure of a Quarto reporting document
  • Understand why Quarto over R Markdown
  • Use Quarto formatting syntax to build a document
  • Have a basic understanding of embedding code into reports
  • Render reports into HTML, PDF, Word and Powerpoint

Session 2:

  • Understand the possible layout types
  • Apply styling formats such as journal templates, referencing and cross-formatting
  • Publish with Quarto pub

This course does not:

  • Introduce Quarto CLI

Prior knowledge

Participants must have a basic knowledge of R or Python, which can be obtained by attending our Introduction to R or Introduction to Python course.

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Attendee Feedback

  • “The instructor was certainly standout, exceptionally knowledgable and eloquent in their delivery.”
  • “The tutor was able to answer and personalise the content relating to our questions/needs”